Place Value Video

Turtle Diary has created exciting videos to help kids learn about place value. This is a concept that is sometimes difficult for children to grasp, but with our quality teaching aids, it's easy and enjoyable. "Number Forms" is an excellent place value video lesson that shows kids the concepts of standard, expanded, and word forms of numbers. The examples offered are easy to understand, and they will help kids master this key math principle in no time. "Place Value" is an entertaining place value quiz video that walks kids through the concept of place value using entertaining examples and a colorful chart that kids can use to quiz and improve their academic performance. When your children watch these terrific Turtle Diary videos, they'll become budding young mathematicians very quickly. Best of all, they can watch these videos as many times as they like. Give them the advantage of a great teaching aid that will help lay the foundation for an appreciation of mathematical principles in higher grades, when concepts become more difficult. They'll have an advantage over other kids who didn't have access to quality teaching aids.

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