Common Nouns

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Common Nouns

Common Noun names a non-specific person, place, or thing. Common nouns are never capitalized. More abstract ideas can also be common nouns, like thoughts, ideas, and concepts.

What Is a Common Noun?

The most basic kind of noun is the Common Noun, which names a non-specific person, place, or thing. Common nouns are never capitalized. More abstract ideas can also be common nouns, like thoughts, ideas, and concepts.

List of Common Nouns

Category Example
peopleboy, girl, man, woman, child, brother, aunt, uncle, teacher
placehouse, store, church, playground, highway, museum
thingpencil, bucket, shoes, confetti, icing, cupcakes, cows, platypus
ideathought, dream, hopes, laughter, patience, success, energy
feelingsadness, happiness, overwhelm, confidence, stress, anticipation
conceptpoverty, hunger, war, peace, civilization, equality, government

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