Adaptation Words

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Adaptation Words

Play Turtle Diary's Adaptation Words game. It is just one of many exciting and interactive science games on Turtle Diary

Word Meaning Example
Adaptation The process of adjusting to new conditions or changes. Penguins' adaptation to the cold includes dense feathers and layers of fat.
Adjustment A change made to correct or fine-tune something. She made an adjustment to the thermostat to make the room more comfortable.
Evolution The gradual development and change of species over time through natural selection and genetic variation. The theory of evolution explains how species adapt to their environments.
Flexibility The ability to adapt and change easily in response to different situations or circumstances. The flexibility of our work hours allows us to better balance work and life.
Resilience The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks and adapt positively to adversity. Her resilience helped her bounce back from setbacks and continue to succeed.
Acclimatization The process of becoming accustomed to a new climate or environment. Tourists often require acclimatization to high altitudes to avoid altitude sickness
Modification A change or adjustment made to something to improve it or make it suitable for a particular purpose. The modification of the car's engine improved its fuel efficiency.
Cultural Adaptation Adjusting to the customs, values, and behaviors of a different culture when interacting with it. Cultural adaptation is crucial when working in international teams.
Survival The act of staying alive and continuing to exist, often requiring adaptation to changing conditions. The survival of certain species depends on their ability to adapt to environmental changes.
Innovation The introduction of new ideas, methods, or technologies that can lead to positive changes and adaptations. Technological innovation has driven significant adaptations in various industries.
Assimilation The process of adapting to a new culture or environment by absorbing its customs and practices. After moving to a new country, she went through a process of cultural assimilation.
Conformity Adapting one's behavior, beliefs, or actions to align with established norms or expectations. In some cultures, conformity to societal norms is highly valued.
Malleability The quality of being easily shaped, molded, or adapted. The malleability of clay makes it an ideal material for pottery.
Accommodation The process of making changes or adjustments to accommodate specific needs or requirements. The hotel made accommodations for guests with disabilities.
Transformation A significant change or conversion from one state or form to another. The transformation of data into actionable insights is crucial for business success.
Adjustability The capability of being easily adjusted or adapted to suit different conditions or preferences. The adjustable chair allows users to customize their seating position.
Adaptive Behavior Behaviors and actions that individuals develop to effectively respond to challenges and changing circumstances. Problem-solving is an adaptive behavior used to navigate complex situations.
Metamorphosis A profound and often rapid change in form or structure, commonly seen in insects during their life cycle. The metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly is a classic example of adaptation.
Elasticity The property of being able to stretch or deform and then return to its original shape or state. Rubber bands display elasticity when stretched and then returning to their original form.
Plasticity The ability of an organism's brain or neural structure to adapt and reorganize in response to learning or injury. Brain plasticity allows for recovery after brain injuries.