Cloud Words

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Cloud Words

Play Turtle Diary's Cloud Words game. It is just one of many exciting and interactive science games on Turtle Diary

Words Meaning Example
Halo Circular ring of light around the sun or moon. The halo around the sun was a magnificent sight.
Storm A disturbance in the atmosphere characterized by strong winds, rain, or other adverse weather conditions. A thunderstorm brought heavy rain and lightning.
Rain Precipitation in the form of water droplets falling from the clouds. We need an umbrella; it's starting to rain.
Sunshine Bright sunlight or the direct rays of the sun. The sunshine warmed our faces on the beach.
Thunder The loud noise produced by the rapid expansion of air due to lightning. We heard a loud clap of thunder during the storm.
Lightning A sudden flash of light in the sky caused by electrical discharge during a storm. The lightning illuminated the night sky.
Fog A thick cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the air, reducing visibility. The fog made it difficult to see the road ahead.
Hail Precipitation in the form of small balls or lumps of ice that fall from the sky during a storm. Hailstones damaged the cars parked outside.
Weather The state of the atmosphere at a specific time and place, including temperature, humidity, and wind conditions. The weather forecast predicts rain for tomorrow.
Climate The long-term patterns of temperature, humidity, wind, and precipitation in a particular region. The desert has a hot and arid climate.
Overcast Cloudy or partially cloudy sky, often with complete cloud cover. The sky was overcast, and we didn't see the sun all day.
Cumulus A type of cloud that appears fluffy, white, and often has a puffy or cotton-like appearance. Cumulus clouds dotted the sky on a clear day.
Cirrus Thin, wispy clouds high in the sky, composed of ice crystals. Cirrus clouds formed delicate streaks across the blue sky.
Stratus Low-altitude clouds that form in uniform layers, often associated with overcast conditions. The stratus clouds brought a gloomy atmosphere to the city.
Cumulonimbus A type of towering cloud associated with thunderstorms, often reaching great heights. The cumulonimbus cloud heralded the arrival of a severe storm.
Cirrocumulus Small, white, high-altitude clouds that appear in a rippled or wavelike pattern. The sky was adorned with delicate cirrocumulus clouds at sunset.
Nimbus A term often used in cloud names to indicate precipitation, such as rain or snow. The nimbostratus cloud brought continuous rain throughout the day.
Altitude The height above sea level or the Earth's surface, often used to describe cloud levels. Commercial airplanes typically fly at high altitudes.
Forecast A prediction or estimation of future weather conditions based on current data and analysis. The weather forecast calls for sunny skies and mild temperatures.
Tornado A violent and destructive rotating column of air that extends from a thunderstorm to the ground. The tornado touched down and caused significant damage.